An initiative by Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation, the Larapinta Trail trek will take place in August to support groundbreaking mental health research and transform the lives of Australians affected by mental illness.

The seven day adventure will see participants discover Central Australia, as they trek one of Australia’s most renowned walking tracks.

Tom Caesar says the thought of trekking for seven days is quite daunting, however, is a small price to pay in contrast to what many Australians go through in their mental illness battles.

“I’m fortunate to be in a good place mentally right now, but I know first hand what those mental health battles feel like, and is a big driver to my participation in the initiative.

“What stands out about the work Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation is doing, is their proactive approach to tackling mental illness.

“It’s great to see the level of exposure mental health has received in recent years, however there’s a long way to go – in my opinion, prevention is the best cure for any disease and is something that will truly make an impact within society.”

In Australia, one in five people have a diagnosed mental health condition and nine Australians die from suicide every single day.

The Larapinta Trail trek will support Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation as they tackle mental health issues head on. All funds raised from this challenge will be invested in crucial research projects aimed at determining what causes mental illness and how it can be prevented.

The funds will be tied to projects that focus on youth mental health, depression, indigenous mental health and eating disorders.

Anyone wishing to support Tom through his adventure can do so via the following:

Tom Caesar speaks about the Larapinta initiative 👇🏽

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